Saturday 25 August 2018

Ajrakh Handblock Print 

When the world is buzzing with “sustainability” and “environment-friendly” as the newest big trends of the future, for many centuries, innumerable crafts have existed in harmony with nature. Some things so subtle that they do not glare out, yet so vivid that one cannot help but appreciate the aesthetics in their creation. One such craft is the Ajrak.

Traditionally, Ajrak is the name of a block printed cloth with deep crimson red and indigo blue background, bearing symmetrical patterns with interspersed unprinted sparkling white motifs. An ancient craft, the history of the Ajrak can be traced back to the civilizations of the Indus Valley that existed around 2500 BC-1500 BC.

 Here is some of the products Made by Sabera Handicrafts (Ajrakhpur)  one of the best artisians

This is Handprinted ajrakh Saree from Sabera Handicrafts There is a huge range of products which one are Handprinted with natural dye you can purchase it here or explore more

Friday 9 December 2016

10 Mind-Blowing Things That Happened Last Month

Keeping up with the news is hard. So hard, in fact, that we’ve decided to save you the hassle by rounding up the most mind-blowing events each month. And this November may have contained the most mind-blowing event yet. Rank outsider Donald J. Trump became the president-elect of the US. You can read our hot take on Trump’s dramatic win here. But for now, we’re gonna focus on the crazy reports outside the US that The Donald pushed off the front page.

10.Fidel Castro Died

in a year of notable deaths, Fidel Castro’s may have been the most notable of all because of what he represented. Castro was the last surviving slice of the Cold War in the Americas. With his death at age 90, the long story of the 20th century finally came to a belated end.To many on the left and in Latin America, Castro was a hero. To those on the right and in the West, he was a psychopath who killed over 10,000 people. As the news of his long-awaited end finally broke, it seemed like everyone had an opinion on the man . . . except, oddly, those in Cuba. According to the BBC, young Cubans marked the dictator’s passing with little more than a shrug. Even in the country he once ruled, Castro was already seen as a relic of the distant past.

9.Two Major Pedophilia Scandals Hit The UK

Since the story of celebrity pedophile Jimmy Savile broke, the UK has been battered by a string of sex scandals involving the country’s elite. November 2016 saw another two explode—one involving the nation’s soccer players and the other involving a former prime minister.On live TV, four former soccer players claimed that they’d been raped as kids by coaches on prominent children’s teams. The youngest was around 12 at the time. Since then, at least 10 more ex–child soccer stars have come forward. It’s believed that the total number of victims could stretch into the hundreds.Around the same time, Wiltshire police revealed that they had arrested two people in connection with possible sex crimes by former PM Edward “Ted” Heath. Heath, now dead, is suspected of soliciting sex from underage boys. Supporters claim that Heath, recently revealed as having been gay, is being deliberately smeared by homophobic police officers.

8.McDonald’s Sued The Italian City Of Florence

Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Its preserved Renaissance core is almost unmatched in elegance and architectural importance. So when McDonald’s applied to open a restaurant in the heart of the unspoiled Piazza del Duomo, Florence authorities gave a polite but firm “no.” McDonald’s responded by suing them for $20 million.McDonald’s is claiming that the rejected application has damaged their business. The mayor of Florence is claiming that a tacky fast-food joint would have damaged his irreplaceable city. To be clear, the proposals were monitored by a team that was specifically tasked with preserving Florence’s historical buildings. They declared that the company’s plans would destroy hundreds of years of history. At the time of this writing, the case is still ongoing.

7.India Scrapped Its Major Banknotes Overnight

imagine waking up to find that any dollar bills you had were completely worthless. That’s what happened in India on November 8. Without any warning, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the 500- and 1,000-rupee banknotes had been scrapped. The bills are the most commonly used throughout India. Almost immediately, the country was plunged into a major currency crisis.India is a cash economy. Half of its 1.25 billion people don’t have bank accounts. Many people’s life savings exist only in paper form. In the blink of an eye, those savings were wiped out. The idea was to crack down on untaxed transactions and get more people to open bank accounts. However, 300 million Indians lack the required documentation to join a bank. The result has been major panic, and the economy remains in turmoil. Cash-based businesses are crashing, and tempers are fraying. What happens next is impossible to predict.

6.The Czech Republic Tried To Make Insulting Its Drunk President Illegal

Lese-majeste laws make it illegal to insult the head of a state. Although they are popular in dictatorships, they are relatively rare in liberal democracies. Apparently, the Czech Republic didn’t get the memo. On November 16, 60 MPs tabled a motion to make insulting the president a criminal offense.There are a couple of reasons why this is a terrible idea. One is that the Czech Republic previously had these laws when it was a Communist dictatorship. The other is that Czech president, Milos Zeman, is the easiest-to-insult leader in the entire world.A raving drunk who likes to turn up at state functions sloshed and spew swearwords at bystanders, Zeman is like Rob Ford crossed with Boris Yeltsin. He has nonexistent approval ratings. He gets pelted with eggs wherever he goes. If this law gets passed, expect 90 percent of Czechs to be arrested within the first week

5.The UK Returned Censorship To The Victorian Era

The Brits have a reputation for being uptight about stuff like sex. A new law passed in November shows why. As part of the government’s Digital Economy Bill, it became illegal to watch “non-conventional” sex acts online. The bill effectively cuts everyone in Britain off from Internet pornography.The bill’s restrictions are Victorian in their morality. Watching someone get spanked is now illegal. Things that are legal for consenting adults to do are now illegal for consenting adults to watch other consenting adults doing online. The bill gives the government the power to shut down any website that hasn’t had all its videos individually classified by the British Board of Film Classification. When it takes effect, it will de facto block every adult site.

4. A US Mayor Called Michelle Obama An ‘Ape In Heels’

Until recently, almost no one had heard of the West Virginia town of Clay (pop. 491) or its mayor, Beverly Whaling. Then Whaling took to Facebook to share her thoughts on Trump’s victory in the US election. What followed was one of the biggest race controversies in recent years. Whaling liked a post by her fellow Clay County resident, Pamela Ramsey Taylor, comparing Melania Trump and Michelle Obama. “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified first lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels,” it read. The post caused a firestorm after it was noticed by local news outlet WSAZ. Comparing black people to apes has a long and ignoble tradition among racists, and the idea that a mayor would approve shocked many. After 85,000 people signed a petition calling for her to step down, Whaling was forced to resign.

3. New Zealand Was Smashed By A Massive Earthquake

On November 14, New Zealand’s South Island was struck by a massive 7.8-magnitude earthquake. Centered around the tourist town of Kaikoura, it caused buildings to collapse and tsunamis to batter the coast. It also triggered around 100,000 landslides. Kaikoura was completely cut off. Over two weeks later, it’s still isolated.The quake itself was followed by a powerful series of aftershocks that caused yet more damage. Although the death toll was mercifully low, it still brought back memories of the devastating 2011 quake that leveled the town of Christchurch, killing nearly 70. Following the Kaikoura quake, the New Zealand Crown Research Institute for geophysics and nuclear science estimated that the country was entering a long cycle of earthquakes that could last for years. Disturbingly, they also gave a 32 percent chance of a 7-magnitude quake hitting in the next month. Sadly, New Zealand’s earthquake woes may be just beginning.

2. Zimbabwe Issued Its First Currency In Seven Years

in 2009, the Zimbabwean dollar collapsed. Hit by the worst hyperinflation in recorded history, the government scrapped the currency when 35 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars were needed to buy one US dollar. Since then, the country has used US dollars as the official currency . . . until now. On November 28, Harare issued its first new note in seven years.The note had to be issued as the country is running out of US dollars. The government has also insisted that it is not a currency but a bond note that has parity with the dollar. However, the mere idea of this new note has already caused a run on Harare’s banks and the biggest protests that the Mugabe regime has seen in a decade.If the new note gets caught up in the old hyperinflation loop, it’s entirely possible that subsequent riots could topple the Zimbabwean government.

1. Leonard Cohen Died

It’s not often that we have to bookend one of these columns with two significant deaths, but 2016 seems determined to kill as many iconic figures as possible. Bowie died in January. Prince died in April. Then, on the eve of the US election, another music legend bit the dust. Following a nasty fall at his home, Leonard Cohen, 82, was pronounced dead.Cohen had already lived a full life and had his greatest work behind him. But his death still sent shock waves across the world. Here was one of the few singers left that you could seriously call an icon. He stood up there alongside Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen.With his death, the tiny number of surviving 20th-century musical geniuses got even smaller. Here’s hoping we get to the end of next month’s roundup without adding another name to this depressing list.

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Wednesday 2 November 2016

Birthday Of World's megastar Shahrukh Khan


    How A Car Crash At India Gate 60       Years Ago Gave The World Its               Biggest Superstar

The human life is a fragile little thing. We are, at all times, one decision away from having a completely different life.

The uncertainty of the future doesn’t always require a big change in the present to lead up to a totally different life. Sometimes, all it takes is a different route for a morning walk to alter the course of one’s life forever.

New Delhi’s Taj Mohammed Khan was a prime example of this theory.

On a regular winter morning when Taj Mohammed Khan was out for a morning walk with his cousin around India Gate in New Delhi, the two young men came across a car that had crashed into one of the pillars in the area which caused the car to turn upside down.

The impact of the crash was immense, resulting in the casualties to lose a lot of blood. Taj Mohammed didn’t waste any time in rescuing the passengers of the car.

29-year-old Taj Mohammed had a big structure of 6ft 2 inches which helped him, along with his cousin, to turn the car over and pull out the passengers.

Among the victims were 3 girls and their father. One of the girls had lost the most amount of blood and needed urgent transfusion.

Upon reaching the hospital, the doctors hurriedly took blood samples of all those present in attendance. As fate would have it, Taj Mohammed’s blood type matched that of the injured young woman, Lateef Fatima Khan.

Thus, Taj Mohammed literally saved the life of Lateef Fatima Khan. Fatima however, as a result of the loss of blood, had trouble recollecting the events of the last 6 months of her life.

On the insistence of Fatima’s father, Taj Mohammed would go on to look after Fatima for the next few weeks, which resulted in Taj Mohammed developing feelings for Fatima.

Indebted to Taj Mohammed for his bravery and selflessness, Fatima’s father asked Taj Mohammed to marry one of his daughters.

Much to everyone’s shock, Taj Mohammed Khan requested to marry Fatima Khan, whom he had grown to love immensely by then.

But the young Fatima Khan was already engaged at the time. Taj Mohammed’s wit and charm played its part in wooing Fatima Khan’s family and soon enough, her family agreed to marry Fatima Khan to Taj Mohammed Khan.

Few years after their wedding, the couple would give birth to a little boy who would go on to rule the world one day.

A boy who the world would come to know as King Khan or Shah Rukh Khan.

Historians of the future would reflect upon Shah Rukh Khan’s legend much like we reflect upon Madhubala or Dilip Kumar’s legacy.

And had Taj Mohammed Khan not gone out for his morning walk that morning, the world may not have gotten its Shahrukh Khan and Bollywood may not have been what it is today.

The world may not have been as aware about Bollywood had Shah Rukh Khan not happened to us.

So whether you like it or not, Shah Rukh Khan has become a part of not just India’s, but the world’s cultural history.

We wish Shah Rukh Khan a very happy and healthy 51st birthday. May he continue to entertain us the way he has for the past 3 decades.

Watch The Video Also

Sunday 30 October 2016

Top 5 Apps To Earn Online With Android Phone

                Top 5 Android Apps 

                    To Earn Online 

1. Panelplace

PanelPlace is best paying app that you can download for both iPhone and Android devices. To use the app you must be already signed up to the PanelPlace website
You can get invited to answer surveys when on the go and the surveys are high paying. PanelPlace takes surveys from the leading survey sites from around the world including Global Test Market and Ipsos to give their users the best paying surveys.

2.Earn money - highest paying app

The Earn Money app is one of the best when it comes to making money with your Android smartphone. The app offers numerous fun ways for users to earn money quickly on a daily basis. With a 4.3 rating on the Play Store it is easily one of the most recommended ways to make money from your smartphone.
The app uses a coin system where 100 coins is equal to $1. You can earn cash by:
  • Inviting friends – You can earn $0.25 per friend
  • Registering for free on websites to check out offers
  • Registering to paid sites
  • Downloading free and paid apps
  • Answering surveys
One reason why this app is so popular is the fact that they pay you via PayPal within 24 hours of cashing out

3.Whaff Rewards 

WHAFF Rewards gives you chance to win rewards constantly. This app is developed by Techdrug. According to them, this is the best rewarding app. You get reward for Downloading Apps 

and inviting your friends to use this app.
You might have been surprised as why are they paying us for downloading app. So, the answer to this question is that the app developers of WHAFF gets paid by the app developers of the apps that are displayed to you for downloading. They pay us a small portion of what they get. It's A Really Great App To Use And Earn But To Sign Up You Will Need Code Use This Code FE72948 So That You Will Get 300 cent Instantly.
4. Wild Wallet Make Money Online 

Wild Wallet is a very popular make money online app by Lightwell International S.A. With over 45,000 downloads and 33,000+ 5 star ratings it is a good app for smartphone users to make money from.
With Wild Wallet you can earn money by installing and running free apps and games, complete paid surveys, watching movies and signing up to donation offers. The app also offers credits for referring your friends to download the app.
Those using VPN’s in order to make more money from the app will get banned so it is highly recommended not to do this.

5. Google Opinion 

Google Opinion is a popular survey app created by Google Consumer Surveys. The app is limited to USA smartphone users only. The surveys are regular and are usually quick.
Surveys are generally rewarded at $0.10 to $1 which you receive Google Play credits. There no other cash out offerings however the app is great for those who love to buy paid apps.

So These Are The Apps Hope You Like It If You Like It Please Follow & Share With Your Friends 

Saturday 29 October 2016

Iphone 7

At a glance, the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus might be confused for their predecessors, the 6s and 6s Plus. It’s deceptive. The iPhone 7 is perhaps the most drastic revision of the phone since it was first released nearly a decade ago. It’s not just the missing headphone jack. There are several other big ideas, including a new dual camera system (on the 7 Plus), a new touch sensor home button, and mercifully, newly added water resistance. These are substantial changes, and they hint at what we can expect from the future of Apple phones. 
After using the new devices for a week, what’s most remarkable is that Apple managed to change things up without completely ruining the iPhone’s trademark polish. In fact, let’s get it out of the way right now: The new iPhones are good.

The brightest, most colorful iPhone display yet.

Almost everything you experience with your iPhone comes to life on its display. It’s where you look at the photos, messages, news, and countless other things that make up your day. The iPhone 7 display uses the same color space as the digital cinema industry, so what you see will be noticeably more brilliant and vibrant. Because we all deserve a bit more brightness in our day.

An entirely new camera enters the picture

iPhone is the most popular camera in the world. Now we’ve reengineered that beloved camera, adding optical image stabilization, an Æ’/1.8 aperture, and a six-element lens to make it even better for shooting photos and videos in low light. And with advanced new features like wide color capture, your photos and Live Photos will look even more vibrant.

Built to be water resistant.

With its entire enclosure reengineered, iPhone 7 is the very first water resistant iPhone.* So now you’re protected like never before against spills, splashes, and even dust.

With its entire enclosure reengineered, iPhone 7 is the very first water resistant iPhone.* So now you’re protected like never before against spills, splashes, and even dust.

The most powerful chip ever in a smartphone.

iPhone 7 is supercharged by the most powerful chip ever in a smartphone. It’s not just faster than any previous iPhone—it’s also more efficient. That’s because the A10 Fusion chip uses an all-new architecture that enables faster processing when you need it, and the ability to use even less power when you don’t. And with the longest battery life ever in an iPhone, you can work at twice the speed of iPhone 6 and still enjoy more time between charges.

In the Box

    • iPhone 7 with iOS 10
    • EarPods with Lightning Connector
    • Lightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack Adapter
    • Lightning to USB Cable
    • USB Power Adapter
    • Documentation

iphone,iphone7,review,phone,amazing, gadgets 


​Whaff App hack trick –  We have used many android apps for mobile talktime. Now it’s the time to Make Money through Android Apps. Today we are going to share another app named Whaff Reward by which you can earn decent pocket money. Now it has come up with many new features.
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1-clear data of whaff app
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3-make a new account on whaff and don’t use the invitation code of you’re banned account or you’re new account will also be banned. You can use my invitation code to get instant 0.50$  (FE72948)
4-note down your new invitation code and make referrals via this account and make sure to follow all the steps correctly, else this account will also get banned
Don’t do more than 10 referrals at a time. Wait for an hour or so then make new referrals
How To Earn Money Using Whaff Reward App?

1). Download & Install Whaff Reward App From Playstore :  Click Here.
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3). Now use Invitation Code FE72948[Must Important] to get $0.50 in your account.
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Whaff  Unlimited Cash Trick:
1). Rooted Android Device
2). Xposed Framework
3). Donkey Guard
4). IMEI Changer
Steps To Earn Unlimited Cash:
1. Clear the data of whaff app From mobile setting.
2. Change ” identity values ” of whaff app via donkey guard.
3. Change imei using imei changer app.
4. Open whaff app and signup with a new facebook account.
5. Enter your Invite code or you can use mine  FE72948 You’ll instantly get 0.50$ in your new account and in your main account.
6. Repeat the steps and earn unlimited with this whaff rewards trick.
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