Wednesday 2 November 2016

Birthday Of World's megastar Shahrukh Khan


    How A Car Crash At India Gate 60       Years Ago Gave The World Its               Biggest Superstar

The human life is a fragile little thing. We are, at all times, one decision away from having a completely different life.

The uncertainty of the future doesn’t always require a big change in the present to lead up to a totally different life. Sometimes, all it takes is a different route for a morning walk to alter the course of one’s life forever.

New Delhi’s Taj Mohammed Khan was a prime example of this theory.

On a regular winter morning when Taj Mohammed Khan was out for a morning walk with his cousin around India Gate in New Delhi, the two young men came across a car that had crashed into one of the pillars in the area which caused the car to turn upside down.

The impact of the crash was immense, resulting in the casualties to lose a lot of blood. Taj Mohammed didn’t waste any time in rescuing the passengers of the car.

29-year-old Taj Mohammed had a big structure of 6ft 2 inches which helped him, along with his cousin, to turn the car over and pull out the passengers.

Among the victims were 3 girls and their father. One of the girls had lost the most amount of blood and needed urgent transfusion.

Upon reaching the hospital, the doctors hurriedly took blood samples of all those present in attendance. As fate would have it, Taj Mohammed’s blood type matched that of the injured young woman, Lateef Fatima Khan.

Thus, Taj Mohammed literally saved the life of Lateef Fatima Khan. Fatima however, as a result of the loss of blood, had trouble recollecting the events of the last 6 months of her life.

On the insistence of Fatima’s father, Taj Mohammed would go on to look after Fatima for the next few weeks, which resulted in Taj Mohammed developing feelings for Fatima.

Indebted to Taj Mohammed for his bravery and selflessness, Fatima’s father asked Taj Mohammed to marry one of his daughters.

Much to everyone’s shock, Taj Mohammed Khan requested to marry Fatima Khan, whom he had grown to love immensely by then.

But the young Fatima Khan was already engaged at the time. Taj Mohammed’s wit and charm played its part in wooing Fatima Khan’s family and soon enough, her family agreed to marry Fatima Khan to Taj Mohammed Khan.

Few years after their wedding, the couple would give birth to a little boy who would go on to rule the world one day.

A boy who the world would come to know as King Khan or Shah Rukh Khan.

Historians of the future would reflect upon Shah Rukh Khan’s legend much like we reflect upon Madhubala or Dilip Kumar’s legacy.

And had Taj Mohammed Khan not gone out for his morning walk that morning, the world may not have gotten its Shahrukh Khan and Bollywood may not have been what it is today.

The world may not have been as aware about Bollywood had Shah Rukh Khan not happened to us.

So whether you like it or not, Shah Rukh Khan has become a part of not just India’s, but the world’s cultural history.

We wish Shah Rukh Khan a very happy and healthy 51st birthday. May he continue to entertain us the way he has for the past 3 decades.

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